Sundre & District
Thank you to the Sundre Legion
and all their volunteers for hosting this fundraiser and working hard to make it a success!

Become a friend of the Sundre Aquaplex No cost and no Commitment!
We would like to form a list of individuals that may be interested in helping when volunteers are required. Please let us know if you are willing and able to put your name on our list. This will make it easier for us to send an email out when volunteers are needed, and you
can let us know if you are available to help out.
The Sundre Aquaplex is a huge part of our community and we rely on volunteers to make our fundraisers successful! If you would
like to be added to our list please email your information to TIA

Thanks to CFEP for their $57,060.00 Grant in 2021 to help redo the floors in our changerooms and resurface our pool deck.
Thanks to Makadiff SPORTS for their $2500 Grant in 2021 to assist with operational expenses.

We are so grateful to the CO-OP for their incredible support. With their help we were able to replace our waterslide. Without the generous donation it would not have been possible. Thank you!